Nov 17, 2011

Important Indiana Property Tax Notice

Lets just get this out there up front: Property taxes in Indiana could not be more complicated.

Please read this whether you bought a new home OR if you refinanced! ANY CHANGE TO YOUR DEED REQUIRES REFILING YOUR EXEMPTIONS. Interest rates have been AWESOME, and I know many people that have refinanced. What most people don't know is that ANY CHANGE TO YOUR DEED REQUIRES REFILING YOUR EXEMPTIONS- that includes a refi.

That said, here are some important notes as we near the end of the year:

-If you bought a home in 2011 you most likely filed for your homestead exemption  at closing, however, it is imperative that you verify it was accepted and posted by the Auditor prior to December 31, 2011.

-If you refinanced or took out a new mortgage AFTER to March 1, 2011, you have until December 31, 2012 to file for your mortgage exemption.

-If you refinanced or took out a mortgage PRIOR to March 1, 2011 you have until December 31, 2011 to file for your mortgage exemption.

You will need to bring your key number or tax parcel number along with your mortgage recording umber, lender name and loan balance when you file.

(The information above was provided by Meridian Title Corporation.)

In St. Joseph County, this can be done downtown at the county-city building.

And, because we pay property taxes a year in arrears, it's pertinant that you double-check you have filed your exemptions NOW. There's nothing worse that figuring it out 12-18 months too late (ie. when the bill comes OR when your mortgage holder calls to tell you there's a shortage in your escrow account... which means your monthly payments will go up!) And, trust me, this is a very painful, and sometimes finacially impossible situation!

Knowledge is power, people.

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