Nov 17, 2011

Raising Respectful Children

This morning, my friend, Anitra, spoke to our MOPS group about Raising Respectful Children. As I've watched her raise her three precious kids, I've seen her LIVE OUT what she discussed with us today. I'm so thankful for her example, a mother I can walk alongside of. What a blessing!

Some highlights of her "talk" that made it to my notes:
-Somewhere in my house (over the kitchen sink?) hang a sign-- "What respects God most and reflects HIS WAYS?" So convicting. Such an important thought to remind myself and instill in our kids! ("So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." -1 Cor. 10:31; "Bring all who claim me as their God, for I have made them for my glory. It was I who created them." -Isaiah 43:7) Remind The Girl, especially in disciplining, that she was created to love God and give HIM glory!
-Pray for characteristics in your kids. Divide them out and pray specifically for one each day.
-Think about what I'm UNintentionally teaching my kids, as well as what I'm intentionally teaching them. I know what I'm teaching them intentionally, but have I asked God what they're learning from me without my even trying? Yikes!
-Respect of adults/authority: Yes ma'am, No Sir, Mr & Mrs.
-Why is it that our kids can be totally entertained, and then need us the moment we get on the phone or into a conversation with someone? Teach your kids that when they approach you and you're talking to someone else, to come and hold your hand. Acknowledge that you know they're there and need something by putting your hand on top of theirs. Then, they can choose to wait until there's a break in the conversation (or you're done talking) or they'll know that you'll come and get them to chat as soon as you're available. I LOVE THIS idea!
-Trust God to fill any holes that I'm leaving in teaching our kids about respect. The most important thing is to instill GOD'S LOVE for them!

You can read more about Anitra's entire talk on her blog.

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