Nov 26, 2011


Oh what a difference a year makes...

Our precious little boy might have Down's Syndrome. What does that even mean? ..."

I'm not a big journaler. Every now and then I write out my prayers. I jot notes during sermons. I love to go home and look up lyrics to songs we sang during worship.  If I read or am told of some poiniant Scripture, I write it out for the sake of reflection.

So, looking back on my journal, much like I imagine it will be to look back on this blog, I don't see chronology. I see ebbs and flows, peaks and valleys. I see times where I'm desperate to hear the Voice of the Lord, and others where I've let the noises of this world drown Him out.

This past Sunday, Pastor Jay talked about hearing in "mono" rather than "stereo."

It's a lesson I've been learning for more than a year, and continue to need to hear.

"I don't need answers right now, I need YOU. Invade my life. Capture my heart."

Thank you, Lord, for never giving up on me.

(Hear more about our precious Boy, and other ways to see Jesus' power here.)

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